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Library Media Center

Welcome to the Library- Brochure

This informative brochure gives you all of the information you'll need to discover the services and offerings of the junior high library.

AASL/CCRS Curriculum Crosswalks for 7th Grade English Language Arts 

This document shows the alignment of the Library Media 21st Century Learner Standards to the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards for 7th grade.

AASL/CCRS Curriculum Crosswalks for 8th Grade English Language Arts

This document shows the alignment of the Library Media 21st Century Learner Standards to the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards for 8th grade.

6-8 Literacy Standards in Science and Technical Subjects

This document shows the alignment of the Library Media 21st Century Learner Standards to the Alabama College and Career Ready Literacy Standards for Grades 6-8 Science and Technical Subjects.

Alabama Virtual Library

The AVL is a resource that provides students with research tools for accessing scholarly journals, online magazines, books and other materials that will help them as they produce evidence-based projects and essays.

Avoiding Plagiarism

This is a short video via Youtube that describes in simple terms what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.


Destiny is our library management system. The system can be used to see what is available to be checked out within the Jasper Junior High/High School library.

Evaluating Websites

This site provides an easy way to understand what makes a site reputable and trustworthy.

Jasper City Schools Program Manual

This document houses the policies and procedures for using the library and its services within the Jasper City School System.

Library Bill of Rights

This is a statement from the American Library Association proclaiming what the library should be and what you have a right to in the library.

National School Library Standards

This is the set of standards that all school libraries across the country are striving to meet.

Schedule a Time for Whole Class Use

With SuperSAAS, teachers can schedule a time to use one of the library spaces for whole class use. Available spaces that may be reserved are the small group room, the alcove, and the computer lab.

School E-mail

This is a direct link for Microsoft Office 365, the student and teacher program that houses our e-mail and cloud storage.