In an effort to provide parents access to student information, we offer Chalkable Information Now Parent Portal which is a web based student information application that gives parents on-line access to grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, emergency information and more.
It is easy to use, and we think you will find this an invaluable tool.
To enter the Chalkable Home Portal, click the link below:
Remember, everytime you log in to the Home Portal, you will be using two usernames and passwords.
The username: stihome and password: Portal1 are always used for the fist log in prompt.
Once you log in, look for the words InformationNow on the Home Portal log in screen.
Then, you will enter the second username and password provided by the school. You will be asked to change the password the first time you log in. Each school provides specific usernames and passwords for each student.
For more information, contact the school office.